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Selectboard Minutes 01/02/2008
JANUARY 2, 2008

Selectboard Present:    Steven Neill, Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair

Staff Present:          David Edkins – Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed – Highway Superintendent
                        Edward Smith – Police Chief
                        Regina Borden – Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Steve Neill called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Mr. Neill advised that the meeting is tape recorded and asked that anyone wishing to speak identify themselves for the record.

Transfer Station:  Keith Weed reported that there are problems again with the waste oil heater; they had somebody look at that.  There are also problems with the scale; he contacted Northeast Scale and, since the problem could not be identified on the phone, a representative will come to check it out.  They have had false readings with the scale.    

Dave Edkins was contacted by Christine Walker of the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission who asked if the Town would be interested in hosting a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day.  They supply the trucks and most of the manpower.  Grant money is available to pay for a portion of it.  Towns are expected to sign up in advance but some towns may not.  The Selectboard and Keith Weed looked at the email explaining the process.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard that they are not interested of participating; for one thing it would be held on a Saturday when the Transfer Station is pretty tied-up with their regular operation.

Highway Department:  Keith Weed advised that they have been busy plowing and cleaning-up after the snow and ice storms.  A lot of the anticipated excess money will no longer be there as over $18,000 was spent on salt, sand and other materials in December.  The 2000 Ford “550” had problems; S.G. Reid picked it up; the parts should be in tomorrow.  Steve Neill noted that the two most northern streetlights on Main Street are out and need to be replaced.  

Dave Edkins mentioned that Ernie Parsons talked to him about the plowing and snow removal on the section between the buildings on Summer Street.  One of his suggestions was to make it one-way but the Selectboard discussed problems when Ralph’s has delivery trucks blocking the other side of the street.  Steve Neill suggested keeping it cleaned-out without going in back of the building.  The Water/Sewer Department plows around the Town Hall.  Keith Weed said everybody takes care of their share.

Police Department:  Police Chief Ed Smith reported that a lot of their recent calls have been weather related.  He has been working on the Compliance Report for Police Standards & Training and finishing up other paperwork, including his report for the Town Report.  Their numbers are up as it relates to enforcement but the accident figures are lower.
Tree Committee:  Aare Ilves advised that the Tree Committee ordered some trees to be planted in the spring.  They will be meeting Friday morning at 10:00 am to work on plans for this coming year.  He expressed concerns about the tree cutting in the cemeteries.  The Selectboard noted that this was the purview of the Cemetery Trustees and recommended that the Tree Committee attend a Cemetery Trustees meeting or invite Vicky Sargent to attend one of their meetings to discuss it.  Brenda Ferland said some trees being cut were diseased and the Cemetery Trustees took advice and recommendations from Peter Rhoades, the Town Forester.  Aare Ilves said it would be taken up at their meeting on Friday.                   

Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-Public Selectboard meeting of December 19, 2007, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, with all in favor, the motion was approved.

The other meeting Minutes were put on-hold until the next meeting.

There was no Public Comment.

Highway Department: Brenda Ferland thanked the Highway crew for doing such good work during the December storms.  Dave Edkins received only good public comments.  Chief Smith said they usually receive storm related complaints but only had one to-date.  Steve Neill and Jon LeClair expressed their appreciation and asked Keith Weed to pass the comments on to the crew.

There was no Old Business.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Payroll, regular Vouchers and Warrants were approved and signed.

Purchase Orders:  The following Purchase Orders were approved and signed by the Selectboard:  1) Highway – Pine Hill Construction –and– Lane Construction – these were approved during the December 27th meeting but needed to be signed; 2) Highway–Nortrax $520.36 – this was signed on December 31st; and 3) Office – Competitive Computers $1,200.00.

There were no Appointments, Permits, Licenses or Resolutions.

School Issue:  The Selectboard reviewed a letter relating to a case of a student living in another town but going to school in Charlestown.  The last date for this student to attend school in this District was Friday, December 21st, 2007.  

Ambulance Bill:  Acknowledgement was made of a letter from Maura Garoutte, in response to an Ambulance bill for her husband Mike who passed away last fall.

Steve Neill moved to abate the balance of the Ambulance bill for Mike Garoutte under the circumstances and given that he was a former Town employee.  What was paid to-date will be considered as payment in-full.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, with all in favor, the motion was approved.

Department of Labor and Employment Inspection:  Dave Edkins reviewed the letter received from the Department Of Labor on workplace inspections.  Several items in the Library and Bakery buildings can be taken care of from the Warrant Article balance; others will require finding money.  February 26th, 2008, is the deadline to address these violations or show the State that the Town is making good progress in making corrections; fines can be imposed for non-compliance.  The Sullivan County Nutrition people will no longer be able to store items in the closet; certain areas cannot be blocked including electrical panels.  Copies of the report will be made for the Selectboard and Department Heads. Dave Edkins will call on the Safety Committee to assist in addressing the issues that were raised.    

Sullivan County Forum on Solid Waste:  Steve Neill acknowledged receipt of correspondence from the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Region Planning Commission for a Sullivan County Selectboard Forum on Solid Waste on January 10, in Grantham.  Jon LeClair will try to attend.

Proposed Fire Truck:  Dave Edkins felt the Selectboard should give some thought to how they will propose to pay for the new fire truck.  There was a Selectboard consensus to post and publish the fire truck for bonding even if the method for financing is changed before it happens.  It seems that at least part of the financing will be through bonding.

Building Study Committee:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Building Study Committee would meet again on Monday, January 7th at Bomar.

The other Committee Reports were passed-over because there were no meetings since the last reports due to the Holiday Season.

Brenda Ferland moved to enter into Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II to discuss (a) Personnel.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, on a roll call vote with all in favor, the motion was approved.  The time was 7:54 PM.

Respectfully submitted,                         Approved,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

Steven A. Neill, Chair                  Brenda L. Ferland                       Jon B. LeClair

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the January 16, 2008, Selectboard meeting.)